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Dr. Agota Csekey PhD



Every year more and more millions of people are taking cholesterol lowering prescription drugs and yet the leading cause of death is still cardiovascular disease. How is it possible? Could it be that there is more emphasis put on the symptom - namely elevated cholesterol – rather than on the actual cause of it?

According to authorities in mainstream medicine, high blood Cholesterol is the cause of most of the cardiovascular diseases. They believe that Cholesterol is clogging arteries and creating plaque on walls of the arteries. Yet more than 50% of people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels. There are no studies or evidence which would show that lowering Cholesterol will lower the risk of heart disease.

What is interesting is that elevated blood Triglycerides have in fact been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, and supported by case evidence. Yet, this fact is not discussed and focused on as much as high Cholesterol.


Cholesterol consists of protein and fat and is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is needed by the body. It is part of every cell; we could not live and exists without it.

The brain has about 25% of all cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol also used by the body to manufacture hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone etc...), vitamin D, as well as bile salts to produce bile for digestion.. Large part of the protective cover of the nerves, called the myelin sheath, also consists of Cholesterol.

By lowering Cholesterol levels we are not only interfering with the above mentioned important processes, but the cholesterol lowering drugs (CLD) also have serious side effects on the body.

CLD works by blocking the enzyme in the liver thus causing it not to produce cholesterol. The same enzyme is also involved in producing CoQ10 (coenzyme) which is essential for heart function. The CLD by robbing the body of this enzyme is creating a potential danger for a heart attack.

Other side effects of CLD includes risk of diabetes, increased risk (50%) of developing cataracts, muscle degeneration, liver and kidney problems, memory loss, confusion and more.


Plaque is not caused by Cholesterol. The ever running blood stream is weakening the walls of the arteries and allowing small lesions to be created within. To prevent the lesions the body constantly has to repair the weak areas in the arterial wall using Vitamin-C and Amino acid to combine into Collagen. If any of those “building” components are low or not available, the body will patch up those weak areas and lesions as best as it can by creating scars tissue and plaque.

Iridology assessment (iris analysis) can reveal poor protein digestion at an early stage in the body, which if left untreated would result in the low availability of amino acids for the maintenance and repair of the tissues in the body. By identifying and correcting the problem we can prevent the plaque from being formed and even, help the body to eliminate the existing one.


Ingested cholesterol will not raise the level of blood cholesterol long term, because the liver will produce less to balance it out. However, the liver will make more cholesterol in response to inflammation in the body caused by the elevation of oxidants, toxins, and infection/ infestation. It does so to rescue and protect the body.

This is a perfect mechanism within the liver. So instead of artificially interfering with its function by using CLD we should consider that high cholesterol is a sign/signal of other existing problems in the body and NOT a contributing factor to heart disease. Those problems in the body are making the cholesterol rise and they represent the real risk for heart disease.

Inflammation anywhere in the body will affect the arterial vessels as well. Blood test for elevated C-reactive protein can show levels of inflammation, however the problem is the test will not indicate the location of the inflammation.

Iridology assessment (iris analysis) on the other hand is an excellent tool that will actually identify the location and the source of inflammation; as well as toxic deposits in the body. In addition, sclera analysis (white part of the eye) can show presence of microorganisms, parasites and yeast in the system, which are also contributing factors to inflammation. With this information Iridology is able to pin point the real cause of any heart disease and as a result a much more precise and customized treatment program can be put in place.


The name comes from the chemical bond where fatty acids combine with three carbon molecules (glycerol). Triglyceride (TG) is the combination of all the fat we eat and the fatty acids that are converted from carbohydrates and simple sugars. Fatty acids that are included in TG are fuel for our organs. Triglyceride is stored as body fat for reserved energy for future use by the body and is carried in our bloodstream.

Overeating, especially sticky saturated fat, refined sugar and carbohydrate will result in more stored body fat and high blood Triglyceride. Elevated TG is an indicator of high risk of cardiovascular disease. One of the reasons is the change in viscosity (thickness) of the blood and the other is that TG fatty acids damage the inside layer of the walls of the arteries by oxidation.


A male client in his late seventies came to the clinic, who suffered 2-3 transient ischemic attacks (mini strokes) per week. He also had double vision. His iris analysis (Iridology) revealed hardening of the arteries in the head area and the upper part of the body, as well as poor capillary circulation (small vessels). His iris constitution, among other issues, denoted tendency for sluggish liver function and thick blood. The sclera reading confirmed low grade (no symptoms) viral infection.

According to his previous blood test his cholesterol and blood pressure were normal, but his Triglyceride was high.

His diet was average, but he loved sweets and ate a lot of commercial bakery items.

His treatment had to consider the viral infection that caused inflammation in the blood vessels, the tired and rigid arteries and capillaries, which had difficulty in carrying the thick blood to the motor center and the sluggish liver, which didn't help thinning the blood.

The customized diet and remedial program (herbs and supplements) that was put together worked within 2 weeks. The double vision stopped and the ischemic attacks were reduced to 1 per week. He admitted that he was still putting lots of honey in his coffee and tea –thinking it is natural food, so it is OK, but sugar is sugar in any form. As soon as he stopped the honey the attacks stopped completely.


In conclusion we can see that the contributing factors in developing a particular disease or condition in the human body can manifest in different combinations in each individual as in the case of cardiovascular disease.
Through iridology and nutritional assessment we can find the specific root cause of cardiovascular disease in each person and a customized treatment program can be put in place.






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